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April 04, 2009

New Dustdevils Album!

The sparkling 2008 CD “Love and Barbwire” offers eleven songs of sincerity, introspection, hope, fun and infectious enthusiasm, including the uplifting marriage equality anthem, “True Love.”

"This CD is fantastic!" --Johnny Bazzano, "Your Average Abalone"
KRCB-FM Sonoma County CA

"A great band!" --Mary Tilson, "America's Back Forty" KPFA-FM Berkeley,

"There's something unique and somewhat familiar happening when McLay
and his fine group of 'Devils' pound out their outstanding, solid
original tunes." ---Bill Bowker KRSH-FM Santa Rosa, CA

"Love, exuberance, grief, passion and rebellious opposition mix as watercolor." ---Rootstime Belgium/The Netherlands

“McLay navigates the dark rivers of the heart. Honesty and melancholy rings true, tinged with hopefulness for something better to come.” --Northbay Bohemian

"The dude can sing! And the songs keep getting better with time, like left-over chili!" ---Doug Jayne KRCB-FM, The Last Record Store

Posted by Mark at April 4, 2009 08:39 AM


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